Harakiri (Seppuku)

Harakiri is a physical manifestation for “Death of the Ego”. After countless hours of meditation, self reflection, plant journeys, 1-on-1 talks with shamans, priests, and martial arts masters, I came to a place of ego death along my spiritual journey. A death I later termed “ego suicide” when referring to a person that actively seeks to kill off the parts of their ego that no longer serve them. Seppuku, sometimes referred to as harakiri, is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment. It was originally reserved for samurai in their code of honor but was also practiced by other Japanese people later on to restore honor for themselves or for their families. The human ego has the potential to cause alot of pain and dishonor in a persons life. I chose to name this painting “Harakiri” as a checkpoint for a place in my life where I had made great strides in killing off the parts of myself that would no longer serve my family, friends, or the society we live in. To better myself by death of my ego restores honor not only to myself but my family and friends.

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